Monday, June 21, 2010

confusing article

I have notice that it talk about freedom and something seem relate to Western Philosophy that truth is concrete, with relativity. Which actually no different with Eastern Philosophy but they are more clear that freedom itself basically is simply focus of mind which make yourself feel free and you not really seek for freedom or anything but actually nothing, nothing itself being describe as freedom by most people. Relative also not exist but only exist as prejudice is occur in your mind.

Like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe say less is more or God is in the details which actually try to describe about the same thing – freedom by focus on detail (the motion of focus exactly focus of mind at the same time), and make thing less or simplicity or hierarchy (whatever you call it) make people easier to focus while actually the best focus is nothing to focus.

So, is architecture really got any meaning, even myself doubt when lecture ask me to explain my own design with bunch of term and style that actually probably have no meaning from the very beginning.

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