Monday, August 30, 2010


A style mean different of order, post modernism unable to create new order because of large scale project? Or disorder of mindset unable overcomes its own choke-point? And which bring up post modernism itself? does order make design sensual or disorder of mindset make order design sensual. a order design is to heal disorder mind and order mind does not need a order design. nowadays seem even worse because need to deal with no mind. I wonder I am right, anyway constant thinking will bring clearer answer for all questions eventually.

after a week of wonder. temple design may look order but it actually create some difficulty environment to help people use their seldom used senses to aware of oneself and surrounding in depth

while post modernism disorder design more likely try to did similar thing by make people get lost first and find their way again. wonder if something still missing in this conclusion.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Follow your heart

Always follow your heart. Your heart will fill with your sharpen senses by intense experience. Only one who design and built with heart along his lifetime will lead to higher succeed and truly unique. because your mind will be messy as you not use it in a true joyful way shortly.

heart = mind

Which make the world full with various design in the old days.

It was easy in the old freedom day, because the journey does not make profit but keep architecture evolve and architecture at that time also mostly in small-scale, does not need money nor paperwork but mostly people own effort and thought. The journey may fill with design failure, master through experiments and failures.

and that what been absent and hardly apply on systematic education nor even systematic society today which causing the misunderstood. people fully using knowledges that been left rather their mind.

its precious in society scarce of knowledge, but being treat like a trash in society full of knowledge. what a tragedy.

don't know what you want. you want me explain pervert design something like peeping hole at bathroom and bedroom or hightech hidden cctv, placing seat area right below staircase. ohh, it must be about some sort of softness like cloth or wool integrate in design.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

kelly castle

The Kellie castle was actually combination of owner house and a luxury private club.

The site was quite in danger because it’s in the direct hit by the river flow; there is erosion control work along the river next to the hill. The plantation and pots along the entrance staircase by the management was such a nuisance than improvement. I not sure if it was the original design.

The old house design was something like Dutch style, brick wall and the floor construction was more casual, with just piece of corrugate metal plank with cement finish on top and support by wood beam. This is found in one of the small room, but wonder if this applies on whole old house.

Some of the clubroom floor was finish with something I don’t know what they are while the rest was incomplete.

The design of the courtyard was a bit boring, could it be there are underground so big reach to the whole courtyard and so its avoid to support more load. Sigh, I forgot to check vent holes arrangement within the vent well which may give me some clue. There was an odd cover up brick work beside the vent well which may be one of the underground entrance or manhole.

Those secondary beams seem not for structural purpose but were to make space for the edge ceiling decorative or may be the floor slab was not reinforced. There were timber block on floor slab which probably prepare for lighting installation that we got no chance to know how it look. The roof space was so wide which could make party on it and have surrounding view.

the line on concrete slab show there no timber board at that time, I wonder how they made the corbel

the arch will be beautiful without plastering if they clear the mortar.

The staircase to upper floor was narrow because they are not going to be used often because there was a lift going to be installed. The window and wall façade design of the club was a bit weird when stand along with his house that I not sure it was yellow paint or plain yellow plastering house. Anyway, those various arch and opening design was beautiful. I also not quite sure how the club going to look like, because the plastered part got no vent hole while unfinished were so many vent holes on it, which confuse me if what exactly they are and make me think it may better left no plastering but we are in heavy rain region.

The period of the design show how people still unable to fully make use both new and old material as part of the design. Even for today, these problems still have not fully solved and uncover their aesthetic potential more.